Our OSHA-authorized trainers can provide quality safety and loss control training sessions for your employees. The following training sessions are available, but not limited to:

  • OSHA Recordkeeping
  • OSHA 10-Hour General Industry Training Course
  • OSHA 30-Hour General Industry Training Course
  • OSHA 10-Hour Construction Training Course
  • OSHA 30-Hour Construction Training Course
  • MSHA New Employee Training for Part 46 Sand and Gravel Operations
  • MSHA Annual Refresher Training for Part 46 Sand and Gravel Operations
  • Accident Investigation
  • Back Injury Prevention
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Customer Service Excellence
  • Dealing with Difficult Customers
  • Defensive Driving
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Ergonomics
  • Excavation Safety
  • Fall Protection
  • Fire Extinguisher Selection and Use
  • First Aid
  • Forklift Operations
  • Harassment Prevention
  • Hazard Communication
  • Hearing Conservation
  • Job Hazard Analysis
  • Lockout/Tagout
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Safety Awareness
  • Workplace Violence Prevention
  • Effective Safety Committees
  • Safety Coordinator Training

Aerial Lift Training

Scissor Lifts and Man-Lifts are utilized in many industries and used for maintenance and construction activities. Aerial platforms have made it possible for companies to become more productive and profitable. As facilities have become taller and deeper, the demand for these special purpose lifts has increased. Scissor Lifts and Man-Lifts are not inherently dangerous, they are extremely safe if operators receive training and follow safety procedures during use. This session will cover the pertinent OSHA regulations including equipment inspections, general maintenance, safety components, dynamics of tip-over, lifting principles, electricity and fall protection requirements. Length: 2 hours

Back Injury Prevention

Despite efforts to prevent back injuries, they continue to be the #1 work comp claim in many companies. The question often asked is, “Can we help to prevent these injuries?” The answer is “Yes”. This course is designed to provide your employees with information on how and why back injuries occur and methods that they can use to prevent them from occurring. Proper lifting techniques and stretching exercises will be demonstrated as a part of this course. Length: 1.5 hours

Bloodborne Pathogens

This course will review the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard for non-health care businesses. Attendees will learn how to develop an exposure control plan and learn universal precautions and PPE that they can use to protect themselves. Hepatitis B vaccinations and post exposure evaluation and follow-up will also be discussed. Length: 2 hours

Conducting Self-Inspections

This session will provide an overview of the safety and loss control inspection process and examine specific techniques attendees can use to improve the process. Attendees will learn to develop and use checklists to conduct formal inspections of their work facilities. This session will review how to plan and conduct a safety inspection, how to complete inspection reports, how to develop recommendations and follow-up and manage an effective self-inspection program. This session will cover such topics as: pre-inspection tasks; what to inspect and where to gather information; recording observations; handling employee and management reactions to the inspection process, developing inspection reports and analyzing data and setting priorities. Length: 2 hours

Confined Space Entry

Confined spaces present special hazards that must be evaluated and controlled using a variety of systems. This class will focus on identifying confined spaces, permit-required confined spaces and their hazards. We will review the responsibilities of the supervisor, attendant and the entrant when doing confined space work. We will also review the requirements for atmospheric monitoring and ventilation along with lockout/tagout and permit requirements. We will review the PPE and retrieval equipment necessary to perform confined space work safely and the rescue requirements for confined space entry. Length: 2 hours

Defensive Driving

Your people and your property are your company’s most valuable assets. Motor vehicle crashes is still the leading cause of all work-related fatalities. That is why the Defensive Driving Course is smart business. It not only protects your assets but it saves lives. This course is designed as a refresher for those employees who drive a company vehicle or their own vehicle on company time, those who have had traffic violations or those who have been in “at-fault” motor vehicle crashes. Attendees will learn about collision prevention, common driving errors, proper passing techniques, driving in adverse weather conditions, solutions for dealing with other drivers and many more defensive driving techniques. Length: 4 hours

Effective Safety Committees

This session will give you ideas on how to form a safety committee as well as how to set and meet goals. We will help you learn how to get people involved and motivate your safety committee. In this session we will discuss the purpose of a safety committee, defining duties and responsibilities of the committee and the benefits of a good safety committee. We will discuss how to get started, how to get the best results and how to get people involved on the safety committee. Length: 2 hours

Emergency Planning and Preparedness

Putting together a comprehensive emergency action plan that deals with those issues specific to your worksite is not difficult. It involves taking what was learned from a workplace evaluation and describing how your employees will respond to different types of emergencies, taking into account your specific worksite layout, structural features and emergency systems. This session provides step-by-step instruction on how to create and maintain a comprehensive emergency management program. Length: 2 hours

Ergonomics for the Office

Repetitive motion injuries are on the increase. This session will cover practical, effective and inexpensive ergonomic strategies to address musculoskeletal injury prevention for office workers in the workplace. Topics covered will include working postures, workstation design and repetitive work in the office setting. Emphasis will be placed on practical approaches that will help you feel comfortable in properly setting up your office workstation and identifying and solving problems associated with repetitive motion type work. Length: 1.5 hours

Fire Extinguisher Training

Many companies assume that employees will know what to do in case of a fire. Fire extinguisher use involves more than pulling the pin and squeezing the handle. Employees need to know when to fight the fire and when to evacuate the area. This session will focus on fire prevention, classes of fires and but more importantly fire extinguisher selection and use. Length: 1 hour

Forklift Training - Classroom

OSHA states that employees must be trained prior to operating powered industrial trucks and as needed to maintain understanding. Operators must then be certified through observation initially and every 3 years thereafter. This session is the classroom component of the required operator training and will provide attendees with the technical expertise needed to safely operate forklift equipment and utilize safe driving procedures. Length: 2 hours

Forklift Training – Hands-On

OSHA requires forklift training that includes both classroom and hands-on training that is specific to the types of equipment, loads, hazards and work environment the operator will encounter. This session is designed to be taught at your work-site, using your equipment and your work environment. This course can be used for initial training and for the training that is required every 3 years thereafter. Length: Depends on # of Attendees

Harassment Prevention Training – Employees

Harassment is not only damaging, it can be costly. The number of harassment claims against employers has increased dramatically in recent years. In addition to attorney fees, some jury award amounts have been staggering. In this session we will review your harassment prevention policy with your employees. Attendees will learn what harassment is and we will specifically review the different types of sexual harassment. Employees will learn what they should do if they feel that they are a victim. We will provide attendees some practical guidelines that they can use to prevent harassment from occurring in your workplace. Case studies will be used to help employees understand what is acceptable and non-acceptable behavior in today’s workplace. Length: 1.5 hours

Harassment Prevention Training – Supervisors

Harassment is not only damaging, it can be costly. The number of harassment claims against employers has increased dramatically in recent years. In addition to attorney fees, some jury award amounts have been staggering. In this session we will review your harassment prevention policy with your supervisors. Attendees will learn what harassment is and we will specifically review the different types of sexual harassment. Supervisors will learn what they should do if they observe harassment occurring and/or someone reports to them that they have been harassed. We will provide attendees some practical guidelines that they can use to aid them in the investigation of harassment claims. Case studies will be used to help supervisors understand what is acceptable and non-acceptable behavior in today’s workplace and what their role is in preventing a harassment-free workplace.

Hazard Communication Training

Chemicals are a big part of everyday life, both at home and in the workplace. We all use cleaners, detergents, solvents, pesticides and many other chemicals on a daily basis. We put gasoline and oil in our vehicles and sunscreen on our skin. Chemicals are present in cosmetics, shampoo and even some of the food we eat. It has been estimated that more than 32 million workers utilize up to 650,000 hazardous chemical products in more than 3 million American workplaces, so it is of critical importance that employees know how to properly use, handle, store, clean up and dispose of chemicals. This session is for all employees who work with or are exposed to chemicals or hazardous materials in a work environment. Length: 2 hours


Serious injuries and death can result from unexpected startup of equipment if not properly locked and tagged every time. This session will show you how to comply with the lockout/tagout regulation, how to develop a program and equipment procedures, and how to safely secure equipment through various locks and tags that are available. Length: 2 hours

MSHA New Miner Initial Training (Part 46)

Each new miner must be provided with no less than 24 hours of training: 4 hours before beginning work; a review of first-aid methods within 60 calendar days and the balance of the 24 hours within 90 calendar days of employment that promotes occupational health and safety for miners at the mine. This session is designed for sand and gravel operations and will focus on the classroom portion of training as required in your written training plan. Length: Up to 12 hours

MSHA Annual Refresher Training (Part 46)

Each miner must be provided with no less than 8 hours of annual refresher training and must include instruction on changes at the mine that could adversely affect the miner’s health or safety. Refresher training must also address other health and safety subjects that are relevant to mining operations at the mine. This session is designed for sand and gravel operations and will focus on the refresher training as required in your written training plan. Length: 8 hours

OSHA 10-hour General Industry Training Course

This 10-hour course covers specific OSHA standards, including material handling, machine guarding, exit routes, fire protection, electrical, hazard communication and other OSHA compliance regulations. Attendees will learn how to locate and apply OSHA safety and health standards, policies and procedures; use OSHA standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program; identify common violations of OSHA standards and propose abatement actions; describe appropriate procedures for selected safety hazards and conduct internal training on OSHA regulations. Length: 10 hours

OSHA 30-hour General Industry Training Course

The 30-hour course is a more in-depth study of OSHA regulations and required programs. More coverage is devoted to each of the topics of the 10-hour course, as well as additional topics including: OSHA recordkeeping, industrial hygiene, welding, cutting and brazing, flammable and combustible liquids, material handling and safety and health programs. Length: 30 hours

OSHA Recordkeeping

OSHA continues to make changes to its injury and fitness reporting system. Understanding recordkeeping requirements gives you a solid foundation for a successful, well-managed safety program. Stay up-to-date with the latest recordkeeping requirements and revisions. Attendees will learn about the required OSHA recordkeeping forms and how to fill them out correctly, identify which industries and companies need to comply and what types of incidents they need to report. You will learn the difference between incident “reporting” and “recording”. This session is designed to help you develop an understanding of who is responsible for filling out the forms and how good recordkeeping can help you identify high-risk areas and procedures. Length: 3 hours

Personal Protective Equipment

This session is designed to assist employers in complying with the OSHA standards pertaining to personal protective equipment. This session will give you an overview of the OSHA standards and we will discuss how you can conduct a hazard assessment. We will review the equipment selection criteria, the training requirements and program implementation for head, eye, face, foot and hand protection. Length: 2 hours

Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

This session tackles a major risk for all companies, regardless of size, industry or number of employees, by helping identify, evaluate and control workplace hazards that cause or contribute to slips, trips and falls. Attendees will learn facts about falls and actions that directly impact the bottom line. The OSHA regulations and other industry standards relating to slips, trips and falls will be reviewed during the session. This session will cover recognizing the various types of slips, trips and falls, recognizing the specific hazards at your workplace and identifying specific actions to be taken once you return to your job. Length: 2 hours